I haven’t been around the world yet, but that’s my plan.
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But one thing I can tell you from the places I’ve been… food! I love trying new dishes, even just for once to taste that specific flavor that I won’t find any other place.
I love food! Who doesn’t? I’m not the best eater, there are so many things I don’t like but at least once I need to try them… although I won’t try things like roaches or snakes… thanks, but no thank you.
I’m going to add some links from Pinterest or other sites with the name of the dish so you can see how it is made. Not my ‘recipes’ or sites, but I thought it was going to be even better to share recipes.
First, I have to tell you about my favorite Venezuelan dish. We have many dishes: arepas, tequeños and the traditional one: Pabellón. But my favorite is ‘cachapas‘. I love it! It’s made with corn, looks like a pancake and it has lots of cheese. It usually has a Venezuelan cheese (queso de mano), but you can have it with mozzarella (that it might be a bit similar). And of course, favorite snack, anywhere, anytime, tequeños.
Colombia is part of my blood as well, there are so many delicious food to try, we have some things very similar, but my favorite snack (or maybe for breakfast) is Pan de Bono (cheese bread). It is so good! Well, I do love cheese and maybe it’s because of that I also love ‘Pão de Queijo‘ from Brazil. Again, cheese bread, although they taste different. Both delicious.
In Brazil I also love eating coxinhas. It is usually with shredded chicken and I always ask for one with ‘catupiry‘ which it’s a Brazilian cheese (seriously, I love cheese!)… ok, I’m hungry just thinking about it. It’s so good! I can’t never miss to have one (at least) when in Brazil. Even in Florida, there are various places where I can have them at anytime. And of course, in Brazil I always have to visit a ‘churrasqueria’ All the meat you can eat, with delicious sides and the meat is always good.
In Spain it gets a bit complicated. There are so many things I love, specially when going for ‘tapas’. (read about my post about my favorite places to eat or drink in Madrid). It also depends on where in Spain, everything is different depend on the region. In Segovia it is impossible not to have a ‘cochinillo‘ (Suckling pig), so delicious! But of course, having tapas is the most typical thing to do anywhere in this beautiful country. Some of my favorite small dishes I always have to have are: ‘patatas bravas‘ potatoes with a hot sauce, tortilla (Spanish omelette), queso manchego (of course, cheese) and croquetas de jamón (ham croquettes). Although you can find much more small dishes to try. And of course… paella!
UK and Ireland, and most of the times when I visit an Irish Pub anywhere, I usually go with Fish & Chips. The simplest meal but I love it. I mean, what not to love… breaded fish and french fries. Another meal I really enjoy is Shepherd’s Pie.
While in Slovenia, visiting Koper, I went to a restaurant by the beach and asked for a typical meal locals usually order. It actually reminded me a lot of my Venezuela coast… I got a fish soup that was delicious.
I have more food from around the world to share with you, I’ll make another post another time. What’s your favorite meal and where is it from?? Let me know in the comments!!