Hello hello travelers! (click aquí para leer esto en español)
Many places are beginning to go back to the ‘routine’, others are still under lockdown, but always remember that we have to pay more attention around us, wash our hands constantly, stay at home if feeling sick, and other new rules in order to return to what we like to do the most: travel!! 🙂

Here, we continue with ‘virtual trips’ and in this new video I take you to Santa Marta, Colombia.
I wanted to see more, but as I explain in the video, I spent half of the trip locked up in the hotel feeling sick. I don’t know what I ate or what happened, but what I can say is that the hotel where I was staying behaved so good with me and my family (I was the only one who got sick … and not Covid19, this was 2018). The hotel where we stayed was Irotama Torres.

From a little tour around El Rodadero to some history at Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino, my other half of the trip was great. Another point I visited was Taganga, couldn’t do much but I know you can actually grab a boat tour to visit some of the islands.

Oh… I almost forget… I also got to visit ‘Pibe’ Valderrama… well, in a way. There’s a statue of this famous soccer player that was born in this city.

There is a lot to see and do in Santa Marta, you just have to go calmly and with time.
Here is the video of this beautiful city (click CC for subtitles in English) Hope you enjoy it!!
(The video is dedicated to my grandmother who left this world in June/2020 and she was born in this city in May/1921)