Few years ago, I posted 3 different experiences about a trip to Aruba. You can read all the posts about this island here.
Even when it’s a small island in the Caribbean, there are many activities to do while in Aruba that doesn’t include just staying at the beach getting burn. I mean, obviously I enjoy spending some time on the beach reading something and enjoying the water, but I also love exploring around. (Para leer esto en español, aquí)
One thing I need to mention again, I noticed on my 1st trip as an adult (and I say this because I visited Aruba probably twice as a baby but don’t remember at all) everything is closed on Sundays! At least they don’t open during the day. While I was there, I saw the schedule of a lot of places that open at 5pm or later or remain closed for the day. Obviously now with Covid-19 schedule is different.
Talking about Covid-19 😒 here’s a ‘virtual trip’ to Aruba and everything we did during a weekend (I also visited another time on a cruise but that day we only relaxed on the beach – see, I do like relaxing on the beach 🙂 – ). Remember to click CC for subtitles and to subscribe to both of my YouTube travel channels: WandererYoss (360º videos and activities while traveling, most of them in English) + AccesoTotal29 (general travel videos in Spanish with subtitles).
Enjoy and have a safe trip to ‘one happy island’ (music by Trevor Hinson) …